Representative People


In the history of Colombia, various boyacenses have governed the nation. Since 1810 when he succeeded the Declaration of Independence to the present.

Justo José Joaquín Camacho y Lago ( Tunja, July 17, 1766 – Bogota, August 31, 1816)

Jose Ignacio de Marquez Barreto (Ramiriqui, Sepetember 9, 1793 - Bogota, March 21, 1880)

Manuel Maria de los Santos Acosta Castilla (Miraflores, November 1, 1827 - Bogota, January 9, 1901)

Santos Gutierrez Prieto (El Cocuy, October 24, 1820 - Bogota, February 6, 1872)

Climaco Calderon Reyes (Sta Rosa de Viterbo, August 23, 1852 - Bogota, July 19, 1913)

Sergio Camargo Pinzon (Iza, December 26, 1832 - Bogota, February 18, 1920)

Rafael Reyes Prieto (Sta Rosa de Viterbo, December 5, 1849 - Bogota, February 18, 1921)

Enrique Olaya Herrera (Guateque, November 12 , 1880 - Roma, February 18, 1937)

Eduardo Santos Montejo (Tunja, August 28, 1888 - Bogota, March 27, 1974)

Gustavo Rojas Pinilla (Tunja, March 12, 1900 - Bogota, January 17, 1975) 

Boyaca is also the birthplace of great artists and musicians .

Carlos Martínez Rivera – Painter. 

Is a renowned nature artist.He was born in Tunja in 1902.

Pedro Moreno Monroy – Painter.(Miraflores, 1936)
Some of his paintings are found in art galleries in New York and Paris.

Helena Merchán Fúquene – Sculptress. (Duitama)
This great artist has exhibited her works in several galleries in Colombia, Italy and Spain. 

Orlando "Cholo" Valderrama (Sogamoso, August 23, 1951)
He is one of the best interpreters and composers of plains music. He received the Florentino de Oro Honoris Causa Prize In Venezuela.

Jorge Luis Velosa Ruiz ( Ráquira , Boyacá, October 6, 1949)
Heis the leading developer of  boyacense music called carranga . Veterinary Medical and musical composer .

One potential sports in the region is Road bicycle racing. In this 
lands were born the greatest cyclists of Colombia and the world. The cyclists more young and renowned are Nairo Quintana and Mauricio Soler. 

NAIRO QUINTANA (Tunja, February 4,1990) 
He is one of the most representative global cyclists.He won the Giro d'Italia in 2014. He has also participated and won numerous international competitions very prestigious in the world.

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